
'A' First in letters 'God' First in Universe.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

News From Nalasithan Ganesan

Dear Friend Suhasini Haidar in Hindu page 11 .Thank you History review Any graduate with computer tooling skill can write such article . You just turn News from AIR HINDU from Thursday onwards to today . A review is necessary . All are unscientific conflicting reports . Our digital Service is in a holiday mood from Friday evening to next Monday after noon . They took our pleasure time as Shield more from a retired Army necessary...

Youth Pool your Power in Digit ;Create millions of Jobs in nano Second; Create Terrorist Free world with in a Second Maintain your distance from politician . ...
Dear Friends: Front Page and other pages of leading News have papers English in south India Tamilnadu have avoided Communicating decorative Photos and News of Central Ministers instead Army Chief appears ;Creating Confidence ...

Good after noon . Friends ! You go to THE HINDU today Headings contains 57 lines and article . Every Master degree holders should go through it and find a solution . The last ten lines are National . ..,"are not treated with enough seriousness 52nd not have a cohesive command and control structure . It varies according who is in control in New Delhi . It is finally time to show that India can be more than a functional anarchy . "There is no picture of PM is available in any Pages .All are getting anger .Youth Force you Find solution ...
God bless us . God also appears in rain Form . If clouds restrain even the ocean will dry . (also refer the book Living in the environment)
Good Evening starts with Thirukkural 448 None to censure the ruler ; shall surely ruined fall ;(a critic is necessary to a ruler . )

Good better best ; bad worse worst a teacher teaches in a School . Governance a Professor is teaching in an administrative staff College . Look at the North west and North east . Whether Digital Governance is in operation . ? . NO' a thunderous sound ...!!!
The ruler who bear bad words With him the nation secure ...thirukkural 389 . ;a humble submission to Kejrival ji and Modi ji Friends remind them ; they VOTED to Power ...
Kalai vanàkkam Nameste Good morning Today programmes start with Thirukkural 706 Face reflects mind ...

To day News Papers have

Not given any importance to our leaders political and National front pages looks like War Field .Our rulers quickly forgotten after voted to powers the great Jaya Prakash Narayanan who Criticized our ancient Rulers . They attacked us by Horse ridding ; we shielded them by by Elephant riding . We enjoyed princely life ; they did not drink a drop of watered till they Conquired

Terrorists in North West send Dangerous Signal ;Attack on Army is nothing but ... Terrorists are 24 hours alert ! Are we ? Now after attack we are alert ! ; They are in our Uniform . It is not at all Possible . Army uniform is not for beautification ; It is also a weapon In the war Field dress should be frequently changed . SOLUTION; Army dress should not appear in Civil . Every mm of army area is under Digital Control We must know the difference between first World war and second World war and Terrorists attack . Happy birth day was Celebrated to a Soldier died in war front is the Technology absent in first world war . Also refer JAYPRAKASHNARAYAN ....

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